Morcoso, Daisy C.

My Interests and Hobbies

My works

  1. Chef
  2. Traveler
  3. Photographer
  4. Digital Marketing
  5. Teacher

My Goals in Life

  1. To have a better life
  2. Travel and Adventure: Exploring new places, experiencing different cultures, and seeking adventure.
  3. To Graduate
  4. Providing my parents with a secure financial future
  5. Continuously learning, improving skills, and developing as an individual.
  6. Build a successful career in a field I'm passionate about.

My Goals for Myself

  1. Find inner peace and happiness by practicing mindfulness and self-care.
  2. Become a better version of myself
  3. I can do what I want to do without being told.
  4. To have a mentally and financially stable life.
  5. Build a cozy, eco-friendly home surrounded by nature.
  6. To buy what i want by not looking at the price tag.
  7. Buying own house and car.
  8. sleep all night

Friendship Goals

  1. Be a loyal and trustworthy friend.
  2. Group study and overnight with them.
  3. Foodtrip with them
  4. Going out with friends.
  5. Drinking alcohol with them while having a breakdown is fun.
  6. Forgive and move past misunderstandings or disagreements, prioritizing the friendship over any conflicts.

Relationship Goals

  1. Giving him assurance.
  2. Prioritize quality time together to nurture our relationship and create lasting memories.
  3. Show appreciation and affection regularly to strengthen our bond.
  4. Learn each other's love language.
  5. To have a healthy relationship.
  6. Paying attention to the small things
  7. Going for coffee or ice cream dates.
  8. Movie Marathon.
  9. Take care of a dog/cat with him.
  10. Words of Affirmation.
  11. Be faithful to him.
  12. Cuddle with him(HAAHAHAHAHAHA).

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Thoughts about online class

Conducting online classes during periods of extreme heat in Metro Manila not only prioritizes the health and safety of individuals but also addresses logistical challenges, ensures continuity of education, and promotes environmental sustainability. Embracing digital learning platforms offers a practical and effective way to navigate weather-related disruptions while providing students with access to quality education from the safety and comfort of their homes. Due to the high heat index in Metro Manila, conducting online classes also addresses logistical challenges related to transportation and commuting during extreme weather conditions. Heavy traffic, coupled with the intense heat, can make commuting to and from school both uncomfortable and potentially hazardous for students, faculty, and staff. By transitioning to online classes, individuals can avoid prolonged exposure to the heat and minimize the risks associated with commuting in such conditions.


Reyes, John Ruiz P. Monday, April 8, 2024. I've had the pleasure of working with Daisy on several projects, and I'm continually impressed by her dedication and expertise. Her attention to detail and problem-solving skills are second to none, making her an invaluable member of any team.

Bergado, Shamma S.J. Monday, April 8, 2024. Coding with my group mate Daisy has been a breeze, thanks to her exceptional skills and seamless communication. Together, we've tackled complex challenges with confidence and achieved remarkable results.

Paul Monday, April 8, 2024. Teaming up with my coding group has been a game-changer. Their diverse expertise and strong work ethic drive our projects with precision and efficiency.

Norona, Mary Nicole P. Monday, April 8, 2024. Having a creative and great teammate made us all do great job.

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